Voter Suppression in Wisconsin

Examples of Voter Suppression used by the Republican party in Wisconsin

Blog Post Date: Oct 18th, 2020

Blog Post Updated: Nov 1st, 2020

Here is the general voter suppression blog.

This blog will try to list some of the more blatant voter suppression efforts attempted in Wisconsin by the criminal, racist, unpatriotic Republican party.

GOP using the courts and corrupt undemocratic racist judges to suppress the votes

Kavanaugh disgraces himself by having so many mistakes in his opinion Kavanaugh is all set to help Trump / GOP to steal the election

Democracy hating GOP criminals (DeJoy and others) crippled the USPS system to steal the election by suppressing the votes

This is true of all swing states where they are facing major delays in returning ballots on time, USPS data shows.

Yes, the 2016 election was rigged. Here's the proof.

College Students claim GOP has made it harder for them to vote

GOP disenfranchising voters